
Donor Embryos


CARE Fertility has offered embryo donation since 1990.

The CARE Fertility embryo donation program uses embryos which were created in our IVF lab. 

Some couples who complete their family through IVF choose to donate (freezing) their unused embryo(s) for use by another infertile couple. This generous “gift” from a successful CARE Fertility IVF couple has brought hope and happiness to many patients over the years.

In keeping with the SART guidelines, a single embryo is transferred. In select cases, euploid embryo(s), embryos that contain a normal number of chromosomes, from a woman over 35 may be donated if PGT was performed. The age of the biological source of the eggs (infertile woman or egg donor) is 35 years or younger and the embryo(s) are of good to excellent quality.

See pricing information for Donor Embryos →


CARE Fertility participates with nearly all insurance plans and will bill insurance for services if coverage can be verified. Fees are subject to change at any time. Please call our office for up-to-date information on costs.

Donor selection:

A non-refundable deposit is required prior to embryo selection. This deposit is due each cycle even if the same donor embryo is selected.

We advise but do not require individuals / couples to complete the pre-cycle evaluation prior to embryo selection.

CARE Fertility only accepts embryos from its IVF program which are of good to excellent grade from women aged 35 years or less or euploid embryos from older women. Following the SART guidelines, only single embryo transfer is offered.

CARE Fertility cannot guarantee a timeframe for availability of embryos or that the intended parent(s) will find available embryos to be “acceptable”.

Embryos are offered on a “first come/first serve” basis.

Donor frozen embryo transfer cycle:

The treatment calendar will be generated following embryo selection and payment of remainder of Donor Embryo Transfer Cycle fee.

If the Donor Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle is not initiated within six months of donor embryo selection, the embryos are returned to the donor embryo pool.

Included services:

Baseline bloodwork and sonograms during the frozen donor embryo transfer cycle

IVF lab - embryo thaw and embryo transfer

Physician - embryo transfer

First pregnancy test

Use of outside clinic for monitoring does not decrease the cycle fee


Medications for a donor embryo transfer cycle include: Estrace (oral estrogen), progesterone-in-oil (intramuscular injection), Valium (day of embryo transfer).

Services not included:

Evaluation of pelvic anatomy

  • HSG and hysteroscopy

Consultation with psychologist or licensed therapist regarding donor embryo cycle. This is a recommendation by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

Repeat pregnancy test and pregnancy monitoring is not included


If you cancel your cycle following embryo selection but prior to beginning the frozen donor embryo cycle, some of your payment will be refunded.

There is not a refund for no embryo transfer

These services are provided as a bundled package. We do not provide insurance codes for individual services.